I was praying last night about forgiveness, and what to
do when someone refuses to respect your boundaries or
continues to insult you with their actions or deeds. What
came to me is the analogy of a pig in a Waller. Before modern
technology, pigs were the most unclean animals
A pig by nature loves its pigpen. A pig is not happy unless it
is in mud and guck. It used to be before the advent of clean
feed that they would eat the garbage no one would touch and
were perfectly content in doing so. Now can you imagine if
we got angry at the pig for its nature. What if we held anger,
bitterness, and resentment against the pig for wanting to live
in a pigpen?
Those who continue in shameful or despicable actions in
my mind are equivalent to a pig in a pigpen. What they
do, and what they choose to fill their soul and spirit with is
not something for we need to take responsibility. While it’s
normal at first to be upset and angry at the disrespect, I’ve
concluded that these sorts of people disrespect themselves
more than anyone else. We are what we feed ourselves through
our minds, our eyes, and our body and spirit. If someone
wishes to feed themselves dirt and muck, or continually fill
their soul with that, then we do not need to take that to heart.
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